What is the “Playground / Schoolyard” Program?
The Playground / Schoolyard Program is an introductory soccer program for 3–5-year-olds conducted in the "jamboree" format recommended by the AYSO National organization. In jamboree an organizing coach will lead each session, but a parent or other adult will work 1-on-1 with their child. The coach will introduce a game/activity designed to practice a certain skill or concept using explanation and demonstration. Each player/parent pair will then attempt the activity while the coach circulates and provides feedback and assistance. The session may end with your child participating in a 15–20-minute scrimmage.
The two primary goals of the Playground / Schoolyard Program are:
- To allow the players to enjoy the activities
- To let the game be the teacher
There are typically eight sessions during the Fall season and eight more sessions in the Spring. Sessions run about one hour and begin the first week of scheduled AYSO games - although the Playground / Schoolyard program itself does not participate in Saturday games.
Your child must wear the following equipment:
- AYSO uniform (blue jersey, red shorts)
- Shin guards (available anywhere sporting goods are sold)
- Socks large enough to cover the shin guards (soccer socks are preferable as they are purposely oversized)
- Size 3 soccer ball (a limited number of community balls are usually available but it is recommended you bring your own ball to be safe)
The following are not required but recommended:
- Soccer shoes or cleats
- Water or other drink (community water is usually not provided)
The Playground Schoolyard Program is an extremely popular and age-appropriate way to introduce young children to the fun of soccer and it will help prepare them for the team-oriented 6U program in the future.
If you want a bit more information, please review the description on the AYSO national website.